Today was Owen's friend Bella's going away party. In true Bella spirit there was cup cakes, presents and lots of fun...Mom is really gonna miss Bev. Glad to see Bella doing so well. Owen had fun watching Bella play Dance Revolution with her therapists and even wiggle danced on the proning table.
Owen did not have OT today. Our OT is new to us and is very busy so maybe tomorrow. We did enjoy the visit from Justin today. Owen misses him.
We had an awesome surprise visit from our neighbor Corinna today. Unfortunately it was chaos when she was here but we still got to visit a little.
In PT today Owen was able to stand for 10 seconds with no help and moved his right foot 10 steps with no splint or assistance. Very exciting.
Owen found out today that his roommate will be leaving the same day as him and he was SUPER happy. I think he has found a life long buddy in him.
Today was moms parent group so Owen hung out with the rec therapist. He likes all the activities they are doing including waiting for cocoons to turn into butterflies.
After parent group the same 4 families from last week headed back to the mall for some fun. Watching kids in wheelchairs have fun hiding in clothes racks was hillarious. We stayed out till the mall closed and then headed back for proning and bed.... Fun filled day.
Glad Owen is doing so well!!! I miss you guys. I would love to work in rec there!!! ;)