Today was a bittersweet day. It all started with being woken up by a frantic nurse who said the team was coming in for rounds. She made us hurry and get up in case they came. They never did! She was rough on us all day but we are tough!
Owen headed off to school and mom did some networking. After that mom headed into a Family Meeting. The whole team of professionals from the Glenrose and Hinton were there. Apparently we should have had a family conference in the beginning and middle but only ended up with the end one.
Mike joined us by phone. Each professional discussed what they were doing and what should happen next. Lots of Physio work and equipment talk. There was one blindside initiated by the school teacher however we nipped that in the bud right away.
Although the day started rough we managed to get to Amtej's going away party. She was a very beautiful ballerina and the kids loved the pizza and piniata. She also loved the jersey from Owen and his dad.
Owen had PT following and almost fell however he tried to stand again and did great with only a 1 person assist. Looks like we will need a transfer belt. Still waiting for a cushion and transfer board.
Both mom and Owen had a little rest while Owen was on his tummy. We gave Christiaan and Katelyn their gifts today as well in private. They looked pretty sweet in their jersey's.
Then Christiaan's mom treated us to the movie This Is The End. Owen really liked it but mom thought it was pretty cheesy in a sort of boy funny way. Ice caps and a little visit to top off the night. Only 3 sleeps till discharge!
Did the boys were princess tutus for AmTej's party! Love the picture of Owen smashing the pinata. I hope for a smooth transition to the physio crew in Hinton!!