Owen was woken up at 8 am. He wasn't thrilled. He had nothing scheduled until 2pm.
He starts school next week and took a tour of the classroom. He is going to need work sent as they appear to only focus on math and LA. He is worried he will be behind but Ms. Mayan helped us out.
Mom called the school to get work sent to him to do here. Owen forgot his mom can problem solve lol so now the work begins lol.
Dad sent in Halo lego to fill in tge boring times. Unfortunately he finished it in 2 hours flat! So much for that. Thank goodness dad is coming in with bro to entertain him this weekend!
Owen managed 12 minutes on the tilt table today. Thats getting much better. He challenged his PT and mom to a game of Blokus. Course he won lol.
We had our first home cooked meal in 2 weeks tonight. Yum. Then mom and Owen played the Simpsons Game of Life! It is very very quiet on the unit so we watched them catch the Boston suspect #2 on CNN. glad thats over.
See you soon Owen!!! :)