On day 9 Owen got the second ambulance ride in his life, only this time it was just a transfer. Off to Glenrose he went. One hiccup though. Mom had to go in a cab with the wheel chair and due to the rush was 45 minutes behind.
Once there mom had a slight meltdown when she saw the teenie tiny chair bed she would sleep on. Nana promised to fix that in a week when they come to visit and bring a cot.
Owen on the other hand was mighty upset about no sound on his tv.
Once the dust settled and we met the wonderful staff we felt a bit better.
We took a pass after everyone met with us and went shopping and to Owens favorite place, Mcdonalds.
Owen even made a sign for his room and his roomate has the same haircut and personality.
We will bring you that cot!!!!!!!!!!!!!